Year 1 Beekeeping Course


Registration is required and the cost is $55/person + $15 for additional family (lunch and snacks included). An optional $10 charge for a workbook (content is also provided in a flash drive included with registration cost). Registration covers Learning materials flash-drive, a varroa testing kit, beekeeping supply catalogs, and more! Bee suits and beekeeping equipment will be available.
Part I ~ Lectures and Demos: Saturday, April 13th (9 am - 4 pm) at Kimmel Orchard, 5995 G Road, Nebraska City
- Part I of the course includes lectures, hands-on activities, and demos by several speakers.
Part II ~ Field Day: Monday, April 15 (5 pm - 8 pm) at Kimmel Orchard, 5995 G Road, Nebraska City, NE.
- Part II of the course is a field day that gets you in the hives and takes the lessons from Part I into practice.

If you have any questions, please call 402-472-8378 or email:

Make checks payable to: University of Nebraska
Send class fee to:
UNL Bee Lab
103 Entomology Hall
Lincoln, NE 68583-0816

Your seat will not be reserved until your payment has been received.
This is an introductory-level course that focuses on everything you need to start beekeeping, including topics on beekeeping equipment, protective gear, honey bee biology, stressors, and management basics. Learn how to set up the equipment, install and handle bees safely, and perform hive inspections.